Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Design Patterns

Design Patterns are recurring solution to recurring problems in software architecture. A design pattern can solve many problems by providing a framework for building an application.

Design patterns which make the design process cleaner and more efficient, are especially well-suited for object-oriented languages such as C#. Existing design patterns make good templates for the objects, allowing you to build software faster, re-use the code, and a pattern which is acceptable organisation wide.

Design patterns can improve the extensibility of your applications and the reuse of your objects. Software design and architecture without a rudimentary understanding of design patterns is unthinkable. Most software applications and systems incorporate one or more design patterns which we all might have come across, but don't know them as patterns.

A design pattern is a description of a set of interacting classes that provide a framework for a solution to a generalized problem in a specific context or environment. In other words, a pattern suggests a solution to a particular problem or issue in object-oriented software development

There are three basic classification of patters:

~ Creational
  1. Singleton Pattern
~ Structural, and
  1. Facade Pattern
  2. Decorator Pattern
~ Behavioural pattern
  1. Strategy Pattern

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